Mitch Ran Design

Graphic design and entertainment media creation from southwestern Ohio, USA.

Entertainment Media

Artwork, animation, writing, music, and even voice acting - I do it all!

Branding and Marketing Design

Logos, identities, advertisements for promoting products and projects.

About Me

Learn more about me, my experience, and my mindset.


Animation allows me to combine several of my other specialties, such as artwork, music production, writing, and voice acting into one project. While I have practiced all of the five categories of animation before, my preferred style is 2D animation, which involves using rigs and vector artwork to tell stories.The following are some of my animation projects.

Where's Willow? - A Firefly City Story

Where’s Willow? - A Firefly City Story is an animated cartoon series about the ghost of a missing hiker who roams the wilderness of a vast national park. When she crosses paths with an isolated park ranger who blames himself for her demise, the two embark on a journey of adventure, understanding, and mischief that will guide them both through some of life’s greatest challenges… and beyond.This series, which was a solo project aside from voice acting, started in 2020 and features my own artwork, animation, writing, music, and my own voice (among others).

Toons by Mitch

Toons by Mitch is a channel full of fan animations about video games. While the main idea was comedy, I often try to include a wholesome message in what I create to try and ensure the videos have some greater value beyond simple entertainment. All animations, voice acting, writing, and editing are my own.



WebCanids! is a webcomic featuring canids such as foxes, wolves, and coyotes in short but funny situations. Topics include puns, funny observations, utter nonsense, and the occasional adventure! For the most part, each post is it’s own story, though you may notice some recurring characters.I have created and managed this webcomic for several years, and have met several great people, tested things for my other projects, and developed my artistic and marketing skills while running it.

Bluefire Books

Bluefire Books: A Firefly City Story (often just called "Bluefire Books") is a comic series about Sam, a new resident of Firefly City, and her quest to open a bookstore and coffeeshop. After working hard to escape an environment of minimal opportunity in a smaller mountain town, Sam has moved to the city to try and build a new life for herself. Despite her best efforts, however, her attempts to open her own business are not going quite as planned.


I enjoy creating branding due to the fact that it allows me to have a significant role in the identity of a company, organization, or cause. From logos to print materials, I always look forward to the feeling of pride that comes when I know I have contributed something valuable to a project.

Red Wolf Review

Project:Red Wolf Review is an education platform I founded in 2017 dedicated to spreading public awareness and knowledge about the conservation of critically-endangered red wolves. In 2019 I decided to do a rebrand of the platform, as the old logo and brand dated back to my early days of graphic design and could be improved.Challenges:This rebrand primarily revolved around a new logo design. The logo would need to be simple and scalable to go on infographics and various parts of a website, but also clearly show the platform’s name and have some red wolf symbolism. While red was clearly relevant to the brand, an intense red color would make the logo seem too aggressive. Instead. a slightly desaturated red color proved ideal.Results:A successful redesign of the logo resulted in a square logo and longform logo that sported softer red (cinnabar) coloring, rounded corners, and a thin stripe to add definition against dark backgrounds. Taking feedback from Reddit (r/logodesign) into account allowed me to gradually work my way through 21 iterations until I achieved a logo that suited the brand perfectly.Software Used:Affinity Designer

WebCanids Comics

Project:WebCanids! is a webcomic series featuring canids such as foxes, wolves, coyotes, and dogs that I started in fall of 2019. Consisting of short comedic skits and puns, the primary goal of the comic brand is to provide entertainment to a large number of people from a variety of different backgrounds. When designing initial branding styles for WebCanids, a number of considerations came into play.Challenges:The world of webcomics is extremely saturated, requiring an eyecatching yet simple and fun branding and style in order to maximize reach and engagement. Furthermore, the topic of the comic would need to be clearly evident while remaining aesthetically pleasing and friendly.Results:A simple yet cohesive logo design emerged which focused on a red fox and the title of the comic. From here, style guides were developed and used to design a full website and numerous merchandise offerings. The use of near-complementary colors, one of which being the same orange used in some character designs, allowed the brand to pop while avoiding excessive visual jarring.Software Used:Affinity Designer

Mitch Ran Design

Project:Mitch Ran Design is the brand name that I do all of my designs under. When I was forming my personal brand and portfolio in mid-2019, I realized that a unique and personalized identity would be necessary to ensure future success in the graphic design industry.Challenges:Due to the vast amounts of talent in the world of graphic design, I decided to focus on making my brand memorable and eye-catching. I would need to create a cohesive presence both online and in real-world interviews and meetings, so a logo and color scheme that directly related to my work style and personality became critical.Results:Using my own prior work to guide my design choices, I decided to use a color palette form Alpine Sunset, a piece of vector scenery that includes many components of both my work style and my personality. My logo, which features angles indicating my procedural approach to design while also sporting a hidden exclamation point to hint at my social handles (@mitchrandom), is also very representative of me both personally and professionally.Software Used:Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo


I enjoy creating advertisements because they allow me to act as a messenger between a brand and its audience. By cleanly mixing images and textual information, I am able to present a product or service in a way that both connects to the company, the consumer, and even myself.My advertisement projects are done using Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo. Many of my advertisement concepts come from my WebCanids! comic series, where they double as entertaining comedy skits.

Fox LööpsThis ad concept was derived from one of my WebCanids! comic skits. A fun arrangement of bright colors creates a compelling call to start the day off right with this imaginary fox cereal brand!

YeahRite Auto Repair
I created this ad concept to explore the idea of creating a service advertisement in a semi-classic style with a bit of comedy added in. By focusing on layout and color scheme I was able to keep things simple while still providing a significant amount of information to the reader.

Stuart’s Wolfermelon Fruit DrinkInitially made as a panel for my WebCanids! comic, this ad concept envisions a fictional fruit drink can with a wolf as a mascot. By bringing the viewer’s focus to the product and emphasizing it with a humorous background scene, I was able to get a positive response from readers.

ConfusinolI made this ad concept to study the common trends present in pharmaceutical advertisements while also using a bit of satire to make a simple joke. By using a three-dimensional perspective, shading, and a solid background, I was able to make this imaginary advertisement feel realistic.

HotWolves and MatchFox ToysThis ad concept and WebCanids! comic pays tribute to the toy cars of my childhood. The goal of this advertisement was to create a realistic product presentation while still allowing for a numerous subtle jokes.

Arli’s Ice CreamIn this ad concept and WebCanids! comic, I wanted to create a somewhat old-timey ice cream poster starring an arctic fox named Arli. The use of a noise texture was helpful in creating a more gritty appearance which created an ice cream parlor-like feeling.

FennookiesLittle fennec foxes are a staple of WebCanids! comics, and due to their cookie-like appearance, I wanted to make an ad concept that created a special imaginary snack brand just for them! Perspective and arrangement allowed me to create a humorous image that got a good reaction from many of the nice people who read the comic. “Humgry” is an intentional spelling.


One of my favorite ways to share information with others is through infographics. Brief descriptions, patterns of organization, and uniform color schemes result in a satisfying final product that readers can simply save and send it others.Currently, I primarily use Affinity Designer to create my infographics. Some of the first design work I ever did involved creating infographics for Red Wolf Review and other wildlife conservation organizations, which allowed me to develop my abilities.

Hot Car WarningThe goal of this project was to create an impactful infographic that explained the dangers of leaving children and pets in hot cars. By using a perspective that allowed viewers to see from the point of view of a trapped pet, I was able to point out important facts that demonstrate why leaving kids or pets in cars is full of risks. The call to action at the end is designed to give viewers a plan for if they see such a situation.

Parts of a ComputerDue to the complex nature of computers and their components, my aim with this infographic was to explain the purpose of common PC parts and how they are connected to those who may be new to such a topic. By using an exploded view layout, I was able to demonstrate functions and relationships of different computer parts while maintaining readability and simplicity.

Trick or Treat SafetyHalloween has long been my favorite holiday, and as such, my goal for this infographic was to promote a fun and safe experience for families so that kids can make good memories like I did. By dividing advice into clearly-defined sections, I was able to create a digestible layout that gets numerous important points across while not feeling overwhelming or cluttered.

Cigarette Litter IssuesI created this infographic in an effort to help explain why discarding cigarette butts in non-designated areas is a harmful practice. Descriptive images and short explanations allowed me to convey my intended message in a brief but meaningful way. By suggesting an alternative behavior at the end, I hope to encourage positive actions in readers who smoke.

Red Wolf BasicsMy work over the years at Red Wolf Review has led me to create numerous infographics explaining trivia about red wolves and efforts to conserve the species. In this example, I utilized a variety of patterns to clearly divide information into digestible sections. My hope is that readers will learn and share knowledge with others, thus building public awareness of red wolves.

Scenery and Assets

Vector (flat) scenery is one of my favorite art styles due to its simplicity and its ability to bring worlds to life in the imagination. In my experience, the main components of vector scenery are geometry, contrast, perspective, and suggestion.Most of my vector scenes are created in Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Krita, and other programs for use as backgrounds for comics, animations, and video games.All work is © Mitch Ran. All rights reserved.

Alpine Sunset (Latest: December 2020)Emphasizing the rosy, warm colors of twilight, this piece was an attempt at a simple mountain scene. Work with lighting and contrast creates a mood that sparks visions of impending adventure. Will you set up camp or hike a bit further?

Along the Waterfall Trail (March 2021)In the moonlit wilderness above a sea of spruce and pine, an old rickety bench provides a perfect view of a roaring waterfall. Focus on light sources, rule of thirds, and relative color value allowed me to create a scene that focuses on immersion. Will you rest for a minute and let the water wash your troubles away?

The Road Out of Fall (September 2021)Focusing on the rule of thirds, relative color values, and vanishing point, I created a scene in which an endless road reaches high up into the crisp mountain air. Would you hurry to your destination or pull over to watch the leaves flutter softly to the ground?

Breathe (June 2020)Focusing on the use of calming blue colors, I aimed for a calming, serene feeling while creating this scene. Reflections, gradients, and shading allowed me to add depth to the environment. Would you stop to take in the crisp mountain air?

A Piece of the Arctic Sky (Latest: November 2020)A pair of arctic foxes spend some time together on a cliff overlooking the mountains, forests, and coastlines of the high arctic. Perspective and the rule of thirds were major considerations while creating this scene. What untold adventures could await them?

Blue Gateway (July 2019)Inspired by my favorite games such as Subnautica, I wanted to create a simple, moody scene that invokes a feeling of uneasy adventure under the deep, dark sea. I was able to reach this goal by focusing on shading and contrast. Would you swim here?

Thought Playground (October 2019)Designed to be a Rainmeter suite for PC, this casual bedroom scene contains layers which can become clickable shortcuts. Focusing on vanishing point and a geometric style allowed me to create a simple yet comfortable room with a foxy visitor. What could he want?

Twilight Bars (January 2020)In a dreamlike world where the moon is flanked by mysterious black bars, a sea of trees reaches toward some distant hills. This simple scene was an exercise in creating a symmetrical, monochromatic landscape. What would you discover in a world like this?

Glacier Sentinel (July 2019)Reflections, transparency, and gradients allowed me to create a cold, desolate home for the Glacier Sentinel and his icy stare. By simplifying the shape of a calving glacier, I was able to create an ominous yet intriguing scene. Would you sail closer?

About Me

I am a designer from just north of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Since 2015, I have had the pleasure of working in and around the industries of graphic design, animation, voice acting, music production, art, and even game development while working on several projects designed for entertainment purposes.Design and creation excites me because I can immerse myself in a cause or brand, identify needs, and find solutions in an imaginative way. In doing so, I become a part of something bigger than myself, and that is one of the best feelings in the world.Thank you for stopping by!

I am familiar with:

Design and Illustration:- Affinity Creative Suite
- Krita
- Inkskape
- Asesprite

Web Design:- Squarespace
- Weebly
- Carrd

Animation and Video:- Opentoonz / Tahoma2D
- Moho Studio Pro
- DaVinci Resolve
- Pinnacle Studio
- Hitfilm
- iMovie

Music and Audio:- FL Studio
- Melodyne
- Audacity
- Professional Equipment

General:- Microsoft Office
- Google Office
- LibreOffice
- Notion
- Trello
- Miro

Game Development:- Unity
- Godot Engine
- Clickteam Fusion
- Visual Studio

Social Media Marketing:- Facebook
- Instagram
- Twitter / X
- Tumblr
- YouTube
- Reddit
- Discord
- Fediverse